
Enter VIN-code

Last sold cars

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Volkswagen GOLF KM8JU3ACXCU123456

$ 2200

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Car VIN Information

Below is the data for several cars, including their VINs, makes, models, and other details.

Hyundai Genesis

Car Image


Year: 2015

Country of Origin: South Korea

BMW 3 Series

Car Image

VIN: WBA3A5C55FF123456

Year: 2015

Country of Origin: Germany

Lexus GX

Car Image

VIN: JTJZK1BA7E5001234

Year: 2014

Country of Origin: Japan

Example of a Car VIN Code
VIN - Code1HGCM82633A400001
Positions 1-3 (WMI):1HG - Indicates that the vehicle was manufactured in the United States.
Positions 4-8 (VDS):CM826 - Contains additional details about the manufacturer and model, including body type, series, and model.
Position 9 (Check Digit):3 - Used to verify the accuracy of the entire VIN.
Position 10 (Model Year):3 - Indicates that the vehicle was manufactured in 2003.
Position 11 (Plant Code):A - Shows the location of the factory where the vehicle was assembled. In this case, it's the Honda plant.
Positions 12-17 (Serial Number):400001 - The unique serial number of the specific vehicle.